Saturday, September 18, 2021


After one month from coming home from Seattle, Foxy is about 90% adjusted to being blind.  That's simply amazing!!  This morning's workout was simply her best so far.  The morning is still in the low 70s...quite warm.  Started to have her drink water before leaving the house. Here is her workout:


Thank you Lord for keeping Foxy become well adjusted to blindness.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


BEEN here since wednesday.  first decent day for a walk.  ortho conference was excellent.  a gamechanger.  i could see my career finish out using the motion appliance.  very nice walk back from Sacred Heart church.  said prayers for great health for family.  thank you Lord.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


weight jumped up to 233 after 2 weeks of 227.  probably due to brownies, peanut butter and chicken sandwiches.  the outting at Capt. Georges in Williamsburg for Uncle Tony's 91 birthday kicked it off.  But the biggest influence is Foxy staying with us 24 hours.  This has put a damper on my morning workouts.  Got away from 20 minute power walk before yoga.  to compensate, will do these power walks in the evenings.

will weigh in next Monday.  focus on eating correctly.

having a foodi rib roast today.  breaking at least one month of no meat.

also, left ankle got sore.  tried new orthotics thinking it would get me past my plateau.  but...did more harm than good.  ankle got sore due to increase of 7 pounds!!!

will get better.  workout yesterday and today was excellent!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Been lurking at 227. This is despite pigging out at Captain George's in Williamsburg last week for Uncle Tony's 91st birthday. Today's workout was great despite the 27 degree weather. was able to run a little longer and more often. treadmill workouts is working. Thank You Lord.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

228.7 pounds!!!

first workout back in VA.  i'm at 228.7 pounds!!!  wow...lost 8 pounds during vacation.  plant-based food and treadmill workouts does the trick.  thank you Lord!!!